About us

We are not born farmers but we are bound to the land by a strong passion combined with dedication in trying to understand it, through practice and listening.

Terre dei Borghi is a farm that was established in 2016 in Arquà Petrarca, on land abandoned for many years in the heart of the Euganean Hills.

From the strong feeling of connection with this land, we undertook the restoration of the old vineyards and the management of different crops, with the help of the local community, witness of values and traditions to be preserved.

The farm covers four hectares, two of which are devoted to growing vines. Three grape varieties grow in the vineyards accompanied by olive trees, lavender, saffron and fruit trees.

We have chosen to cultivate our land using organic fertilisers, we try to avoid the use of plastic and we believe in manual work.

Our passion is expressed in the quality of what we produce. We strongly believe that to work well means knowing one's land and being aware of its biodiversity.

We are the caretakers of the soil, which we depend on. This is why we want to highlight its importance by preserving its identity."

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